Can Fire-bellied Toads and Newts Live Together?

Okay, we are going to let you know what others think about housing fire-bellied toads and fire-bellied newts together.

Below our article are links that discuss the potential dangers of housing us together.  They have very valid reasons NOT to put fire-bellied toads and fire-bellied newts in the same terrarium or aquarium.

We have been together for over a year and April or Tony has watched us for hours on end during that time and have yet to see any stress between us, etc.

We (all of us – newts and toads) are approximately the same size and that may be why us toads do not see the newts as a food source.  Or, it could be pure luck that we do not eat the newts. 

Randall1 and Randall2 (the newts) will actually decide on their own to come over to us toads and cuddle.  That obviously shows they are not stressed by our presence in the tank.

Although we do not question the opinions expressed in the following links, we have decided to stay together for the time being.

Our recommendation to new owners or owners that have had previous bad experiences is to house us separately.  Unless you will be watching us carefully and be prepared to separate us by having another housing area ready nearby if it is needed.

Here are the links we mentioned earlier:

Kind Regards,

Brownie, Greenie and Limey




How to Care for Fire-Bellied Newts

I received an email from someone who wanted to know how to care for fire-bellied newts so I decided to share a couple care sheets I found with you. 

I personally do not have my aquarium set up the way explained in the care sheets.  My aquarium is described in my blog: How we like our tank set up

My particular newts like to eat crickets, waxworms and nightcrawlers.  I have to cut the worms into a reasonable size for the newts to swallow or they will ignore the food.  I love to dangle the worm at the end of a toothpick and watch the newts go after it.

But, I imagine the people writing the following care sheets have more experience than myself so you may want to set up your aquarium like they describe.

Good Temperature for Fire-Bellied Newts


 April read how we like the temperature of 68 F more than 70 F or above so she lowered the temperature in our home.  Actually, she just turned off the heater in the tank.

She says it made a very noticeable difference in how much we move around now.  Instead of sitting in one place all day everytime she checks on us we are either moving around or have moved to another area.

Also, she has seen us eating crickets which she never saw before.  In fact, she said we may even have pot bellies now.  What is a pot belly?  It seems to have something to do with eating a lot.

She also cleaned and rearranged the tank yesterday.  She found another large flat rock and gave us even more above water space.  Now all 5 of us can be in different hiding places if we wish.  It gives us more elbow room.

Tank set up      New tank set up

The other news is that the female guppy had a bunch more babies.  April said if we don’t start eating guppies she is going to have to find someone to take them off her hands.  There must be about 30 of them in the tank right now.

The male guppy died the other day.  April is not sure why and we didn’t tell her what happened.  But, that means there shouldn’t be any new guppies born for a while.

Well, got to go.  There is an interesting look hiding place over there we haven’t investigated yet.


Kind Regards,

Randal1 and Randal2

Newt hiding  Randal1

Randal2  Randal2

Randal2 Takes His Morning Shower

Good Morning!

 Randal2 took a shower this morning and thought he’d share it with you.


Kind Regards,



How We Like Our Tank Set Up



Today we’re going to tell you what we like and dislike about setting up a home for us.

First, we have seen some tanks that are just water and a small flat area of dry land.  YUKKKK!  How boring.  Don’t they realize we are animals in need of variety and fun?

How do you know whether we like to spend most of our time in the water or on land?  You don’t unless you provide us with a lot of both.  For instance, Brownie spends almost all of her time in the water hanging on to the edge of the land area.  Greenie spends most of his time on a rock that is submerged by the waterfall.  And, Limey hardly ever goes into the water at all.  He likes to sit up high and overlook his domain.  Sort of like “King of the Mountain.”

Limey would spend more time in the water if he had to because there was only one small rock in the tank, but he wouldn’t be happy.  Brownie would spend less time in the water if the tank had only a small area of water, but she wouldn’t be happy.

If you are going to keep pets, let them be as happy as they can be.

Here is how April has our tank set up right now so we can all enjoy what we like.  She rearranges our tank every time she cleans it making new hiding places to find which keeps us interested in our environment.  Toads can get depressed just like any other animal.

April has a 30 gallon tank and likes to keep fish in it so she has to have a lot of water in the tank.  But, she wanted a lot of land for us and the newts also.  So she put 2 vases in the water upside down.  As you can see in the picture below the larger vase is clear so it doesn’t block your ability to watch the fish in the tank.  She also has a tall underwater cave structure and puts a plastic baby fish holder on top of that.  She used to use the baby fish holder to protect the baby guppies from the other fish when she raised guppies.  She puts decorative rocks, shells and some small plastic plants in the baby fish holder to add weight to it before setting it on the top of the underwater cave.  She places that structure and the two vases in a triangle to be the support structures of the land mass she is going to construct.


She has an upside down ceramic bowl on one of the vases to help start making the land mass above the waterline.  She has a flat piece of plastic from the top of an older hexagon aquarium that she balances between the three tall support columns.  Then she adds some large flat rocks until she has a large flat land mass (most of this area is still slightly under water).

08-01-14-side-of-tank-better-view.jpg  You can see the underwater cave and plastic baby fish holder on the right side of this picture.

Now comes the fun part.  She adds different size rocks to the land mass and builds hiding places by placing flat rocks across the top of round rocks.  That way we can hide and she can still see us.

08-01-14-side-of-tank-top.jpg   08-01-14-newt-hiding-places.jpg   08-01-14-top-of-tank-with-toads.jpg

She also puts in extra long plants so their tops float on the water.  We all love to sit on those sometimes.

11-15-07-exc-g-b-photo.jpg   08-01-14-top-of-tank-front.jpg

Then we are almost set.  One last thing she does is make sure the rock under our waterfall is placed just right.  She doesn’t want us hopping up into the water filter but more importantly she knows how much Greenie loves to sit below the waterfall hiding under a rock for hours at a time.  So, she makes sure the flat rock under the waterfall has a good hiding rock on it for Greenie.

08-01-14-waterfall-with-toads.jpg  Of course, Limey has to keep an eye on Greenie at all times.

We all like to climb up on the waterfall rock and take showers every so often.  The newts don’t though.

Did you notice the piece of carrot in some of the pictures above?  It is for the crickets.  With all the rocks in the tank the crickets can hide from us so April sometimes puts a bunch of crickets in the tank.  She puts the carrot in so they have something to eat and will be fat and plump even if they manage to hide from us for a few days before we catch them.  She changes the carrot stick out for a new one every day though otherwise it would get moldy.

This is a good home for the fire-bellied newts also since they really don’t like to be forced to spend all or most of their time in the water.  At least Randal1 and Randal2 would prefer to be out of the water in a damp area instead of directly in the water.

April thinks having fish in the tank keeps us entertained.  She catches every one of us watching the fish every now and then.

We love our tank!

Kind Regards,

Brownie, Greenie and Limey

07-12-12-brownie-and-newts-cuddling.jpg  Brownie, Randal1 and Randal2

10-29-07-greenie-under-rock.jpg  Greenie

07-12-16-limey-close-up-front-showing-belly-resized.jpg  Limey

Full House


Our house is full of animals today.

April bought us all food–even Fluffy, the corn snake.

He got three mice.  But, he didn’t eat the third one so April got rid of it.  Mice smell whether they are alive or dead and this one was dead so out it went.  Fluffy gets 15 minutes to decide whether he is going to eat it or not and then he just has to wait until next time which in his case is a couple months.  We’re glad we don’t have to go two months between meals!  April got what she thinks is a great video of Fluffy eating his mice.  She plans on putting it up on the blog soon.  We think she is crazy.  Why would anyone want to watch a snake eating when they can watch us–the mighty hunters eat?

More important than Fluffy and his mice are the wax worms and crickets she got for us.  April makes a house for the wax worms so they don’t die in a couple days like they used to.  She takes an empty Glad plastic container (Tony’s lunch meat comes in it) and puts a mixture of oatmeal and honey on one end.  Then she puts the wax worms in the other end including the bedding them come in (after picking out the wax worms that have already died).  They like the oatmeal and honey mixture because in the wild they eat honeycomb from bees nests when they are in the wax worm phase of their life.  She does poke holes in the top of the Glad plastic container and keeps it on in case the worms think about crawling out.  She hand fed both of the newts pieces of a wax worm today.  She also hand fed Limey, but ,as we all know, Limey will eat anything so that isn’t too hard.

She also fixed up the cricket keeper with carrots and oranges for the big batch of crickets she bought today.  They think they are in heaven with so much good food and fun places to hide in in the cricket keeper.  April said we have to eat wax worms until the crickets get bigger.

So our house is full of animals today.  We can see the crickets and wax worms from our aquarium and if toads could salivate we would be doing just that.

Best Regards,

Brownie, Greenie and Limey

11-23-brownie-praying-from-front.jpg  Brownie

Greenie under water  Greenie, and

07-12-09-limey-cricket-hat-and-randal-1.jpg  Limey (Hey, Randall 1, why is everyone laughing at me?)

Check out our videos

Randal2 and Limey taking showers. 

Fluffy eating a mouse.

 Morning with Brownie.
 Feeding time for the fish.
The best cricket hunt ever! 

Limey, the newbie!
Home Sweet Home!  
Our Family Album Newts Rule!  


Poor Greenie.  He really loves Brownie and she ignores him.  

Watch the hunting machines.  Just like lions stalking their prey.